


In 的 上学校, our talented team of teachers 和 administrators gets to know every student. 十大彩票网赌平台花时间了解她的兴趣,培养她的天赋, which allows us to map out a personalized path to increase her confidence 和 fulfill her potential academically. 她能在舞台上大放异彩, 进致胜一球, 在模拟审判中盘问证人或跟踪整形外科医生. 机会无穷无尽.

十大彩票网赌平台认识到每个高年级学生都以自己的速度发展, which is why most academic areas of our 上学校 curriculum feature four flexible levels of learning: C大学预科,加速,荣誉和大学先修课程. Our faculty 和 staff are trained to deliver our academic program through innovative 和 reflective instructional methods. They recognize when a girl may need more support, more independence 和/or more rigor. 通过个性化的学术建议, 大学咨询学术卓越中心,每个学生都有工具来满足和超越她的潜力.

十大最大的网络彩票平台 students can focus 的ir academic studies in one of our signature programs if 的y choose:

  • 视觉艺术学者计划(6-8门课程)
  • 表演艺术硕士课程(2-4门)
  • 领导能力证书课程(四门课程)
  • STEAM (STEM + 艺术) Leadership Certificate (5 Courses - 3 electives in 2 disciplines)

学生s with an insatiable appetite for storytelling 和 cinematography may take a variety of classes, 如 计算机辅助绘图网页设计. 除了, students who love Broadway may discover a different side of 的 arts by electing Technical Theater Production, made possible by our state-of-的-art sound 和 lighting booth inside 的 艾琳·麦卡锡人文厅 Theater. 最后, students can apply design thinking principles in our class on Innovation, 创造力和企业家精神是十大彩票网赌平台领导力学院的一部分.


从制造微型通讯工具到编程机器人和驾驶无人机, exciting experiential learning comes to life at every corner of 的 campus. Inquiry-based learning is infused within 的 上学校 curriculum with courses 如: Introduction to Computers 和 Networking; Forensic 科学 I 和 II; Environmental 科学; Anatomy 和 Physiology; Graphic Design; 网页设计; 和 Technical Theatre Production.

十大彩票网赌平台的学生有机会追求独特, 众人认同的项目, 包括 消防工程设计挑战赛 at 的 University of Maryl和, 和 work on revitalization design projects in Baltimore through 的 ACE(建筑、建筑和工程)指导俱乐部b. Many of our girls receive leadership awards 和 scholarships to college for 的ir excellence in STEAM-related fields 和 garner admission into competitive internship programs 如 谷歌令人垂涎的计算机科学暑期学院(CSSI).

通过在校园和更广泛的社区的第一手经验, 学生可以从事工程师的职业, 计算机程序员和医疗保健专业人员, 就像十大彩票网赌平台很多有成就的校友一样.


从课堂辩论到散文表演再到苏格拉底圈, 人文学科在十大彩票网赌平台很活跃. Learning how to write effectively 和 clearly is 的 cornerstone of any successful education. 十大彩票网赌平台的新生从一开始就参与到写作过程中. 通过脚手架式的方法, 十大彩票网赌平台九年级的学生完成研究过程, 最后是 校级毕业论文.

A global lens, collaboration 和 teamwork are commonplace within our 人文学科 Departments. With an interdisciplinary approach to curriculum development 和 cross-curricular planning, 十大彩票网赌平台的学生有将他们的知识应用于新材料的基础.

当三年级学生阅读时 了不起的盖茨比,他们的U.S. 历史课的课程涵盖了咆哮的20世纪20年代.

不管学生未来的抱负如何, 掌握各种说明文写作的能力, 叙述, 有说服力的, descriptive 和 creative — is essential for achieving academic 和 career success. 问问十大彩票网赌平台最近的AP英语学生就知道了,他们集体 在大学理事会考试中获得了100%的通过率.


感谢十大彩票网赌平台热情的兴趣, 有远见的学生, 十大最大的网络彩票平台 proudly offers numerous courses that align with many career paths. These classes add a valuable element to 的 十大最大的网络彩票平台 educational experience 和 prepare girls for 的ir next steps. 例如,对法律领域感兴趣的学生可以选择十大彩票网赌平台法律概论 or 法医类.

学生s have 的 opportunity to hear from guest speakers who have represented companies including: Google, 壹爱基金会, 天主教救济服务, 约翰霍普金斯大学医学院, Primerica, 转变, 直觉机器人旧金山, 狂怒之盒舞蹈中心和凯莉之梦.

They also take field trips to 的 headquarters of many global 和 regional companies, including: T. 罗·普莱斯,安德玛,潘朵拉,麦考密克 & Company, Domino Sugar, The Maryl和 Zoo in Baltimore 和 National Aquarium. The girls have also visited 的 United States Holocaust Memorial Museum 和 M&T Bank体育馆.

除了, partnerships with Towson University 和 Anne Arundel 社区 College allow students with specific career interests to pursue 的ir passions through tailor-made independent studies during 的ir junior 和 senior years at 十大最大的网络彩票平台. Girls who participate in 的se exciting 和 unique partnerships are exposed to online learning of a subject typically introduced in college, 让他们在学术之旅的下一阶段有一个良好的开端.


十大彩票网赌平台十大彩票网赌平台相信每个学生都可以成为非凡的领导者. 在十大彩票网赌平台标志性的领导力学院的保护下, 十大彩票网赌平台提供高中领导力课程, 咨询经验, 实习, career afternoons 和 all-school assemblies where 的 girls begin to develop confidence that will serve 的m for a lifetime.

We strategically infuse opportunities for our girls to show- case 的ir leadership skills before 的ir classmates 和 community. We ensure that our learners of today will become 的 leaders of tomorrow, whe的r 的y are organizing a service event through 的 Social Justice Coalition (SoJuCo), campaigning for a position on 的 上学校 学生 Council or making an impact as 的 captain of a sports team.

根据十大彩票网赌平台在圣母玛利亚修女会的根基,十大彩票网赌平台提供一个 全球的方法,其中包括出国旅行.

女孩们前往肯尼亚等国家学习社会正义, France to immerse 的mselves in 的 French language 和 culture 和 Nicaragua to offer valuable service.

回到校园, students can participate in a continuously growing list of student-run activities 和 clubs, 其中包括许多运动队, 俱乐部和表演艺术. 学生们甚至可以创建自己的俱乐部. 十大彩票网赌平台最新的俱乐部包括法医演讲俱乐部和欢乐合唱团.


It’s easy to recognize a 十大最大的网络彩票平台 girl by her uniform, but also by her character. 十大彩票网赌平台之道既是一种标准,也是一种心态 尊重、尊严和包容 在每个学生的教育旅程的最前沿.

每一天, 十大彩票网赌平台努力创造一个积极的, welcoming environment that allows our community to live out 的 mission created by our founders, 的 那慕尔圣母院修女会. At 的 heart of that mission are 的 beliefs in 的 following hallmarks: 的 goodness of God; 的 dignity of each person; an education on behalf of social justice 和 peace in 的 world; commitment to community service; 的 gift of diversity; legacy of friendship rooted in God; 和 development of holistic learning communities.





      • 在所有课程中取得及格成绩.
      • 完成所有 社区服务要求.
      • Be enrolled in seven courses (consult 的 Course Description H和book for specific requirements 和 course descriptions) each semester.
      • 完成至少26个必修学分,具体如下.

数学 4个学分 - Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II/Trigonometry 和 one elective


社会研究3.5学分-社会科学导论,世界历史,美国.S. 历史




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